Corporate Bodies


Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors

The Company has adopted a traditional administration and control model characterized by a Shareholders’ Meeting, a Board of Directors and a Board of Statutory Auditors. This Corporate Governance system is based on the core role of the Board of Directors (as the most senior body delegated to manage the Company in the interests of shareholders), on the transparency of decision-making processes, on an effective internal control system, on careful rules governing potential conflicts of interest and on appropriate standards of conduct for related party transactions.



Chairman & Independent Non-Executive Director.
Valerio Battista



Vice-Chairman & Non-Executive Director.



Group Chief Executive Officer & General Manager.



Independent Non-Executive Director & Lead Independent Director.



Independent Non-Executive Director.



Independent Non-Executive Director.



Group Chief Financial Officer Executive Director.



Independent Non-Executive Director.



Independent Non-Executive Director.









Independent Non-Executive Director.

Board of Directors

Member | Year of birth First Appointment Current charge Executive/Independent Meetings Other offices
⧫ Francesco Gori, Chairman | 1952 18/09/2018 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 9/10 1
⧫ Valerio Battista, Vicechairman | 1957 15/12/2005 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Non- Executive 10/10 -
⧫ Massimo Battaini, CEO | 1961 25/02/2014 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Executive 10/10 -
● Paolo Amato, Director | 1964 12/04/2018 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 9/10 2
⧫ Jaska de Bakker, Director | 1970 28/04/2021 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 10/10 2
⧫ Pier Francesco Facchini, Director and CFO | 1967 28/02/2007 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Executive 10/10 2
⧫ Richard Keith Palmer, Director | 1966 18/04/2024 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent N/A -
⧫ Ines Kolmsee, Director | 1970 28/04/2021 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 9/10 3
⧫ Emma Marcegaglia, Director and L.I.D. | 1965 18/04/2024 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent N/A 1
⧫ Tarak Mehta, Director | 1966 28/04/2021 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 10/10 1
● Susannah Stewart, Director | 1968 18/04/2024 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent N/A -
⧫ Annalisa Stupenengo, Director | 1971 28/04/2021 from 18/04/2024 to 2027 Independent 10/10 1


⧫ Director elected form the slate presented by the outgoing Board which obtained the majority of the votes.
● Director elected form the slate presented by a group of shareholders related to asset management companies and institutional investors.
(1) Date on which the director was appointed to the Board of Directors for the first time (ever).
(2) Expiry date envisaged with the Shareholders' Meeting that will approve the financial statements for the year ending 31/Dec/2026.
(3) Attendance at Board meetings in 2023 (no. of attendances/no. of meetings held. N/A: not in office during the period).
(4) Number of offices held in other companies listed on regulated markets, including foreign ones, in financial, banking, insurance companies, or companies of significant size.





Board of Statutory Auditors


  • It is composed of 3 Standing Auditors and 2 Substitute Auditors, appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting. They remain in office for a period of three financial years and can be re-elected.
  • All members of the Board of Statutory Auditors must meet the independence requirements established by art. 148, paragraph 3 of the Consolidated Law on Finance, as well as the requirements of integrity and professionalism set out in Ministry of Justice Decree no. 162/2000.
  • At least 2/5 of the member of the Board of Statutory Auditors must belong to the less represented gender.


  • The Board of Statutory Auditors is appointed on the basis of slates of candidates.
  • Slates can be submitted by Shareholders who, alone or together with other Shareholders, represent the minimum threshold of ordinary share capital set annually by Consob.
  • If two or more slates are duly submitted, two Standing Auditors and one Substitute Auditor are taken from the slate that obtained the majority of votes, in the order in which they are listed. One Standing Auditor, who shall act as Chairman, and one Substitute Auditor shall be elected from the slate that obtained the highest number of votes after the first one.




Board of Statutory Auditors e-mail for contacts and communications: [email protected]

The Board of Statutory Auditors oversees compliance with the law, the By-laws and the standards of good management in the performance of company activities whilst also monitoring the adequacy of the Company’s organizational structure, internal control, administrative and accounting systems.

He was born in Milan on 6 December 1965

He graduated in Economics and Commerce in 1990 from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. He has been enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants since 1991 and in the Register of Auditors since 1995. Since 1997, he has been a founding partner and Director of SIGMAGEST S.p.A., a business consulting company operating in internal auditing, review and implementation of administrative and accounting procedures, evaluation of internal control systems and risk management (e.g. Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, Sarbanes-Oxley).

Mr. Sarubbi provides tax and corporate consulting services, as well as corporate organisation and internal control services to equity companies and some of the leading international consulting networks. He has also collaborated with several national journals, writing numerous articles on tax matters, and is the author or co-author of several publications on the same subject.

He is a statutory auditor in several companies. Among the various positions he currently holds are those of Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of INWIT S.p.A. (a company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange), Destination Italia S.p.A. (listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market), and Acque Minerali S.r.l., as well as member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Shiseido Italy S.p.A. and Sole Auditor of Mattel Italy S.r.l. and of Coca-Cola Italia S.r.l..

Mr. Sarubbi also gained extensive experience in the field of Monitoring Board. He currently holds the position of Chairman/Member of the Monitoring Board in some companies belonging to multinational groups such as ABB S.p.A., Coca-Cola Italia S.r.l., Corning Pharmaceutical Glass S.p.A. and Shiseido Italy S.p.A.

He has been Chairman of Prysmian's Board of Statutory Auditors since 12 April 2022 and he was elected from the slate submitted jointly by a group of shareholders comprising asset management companies and institutional investors, which received the second highest number of votes at the Shareholders' Meeting.


- January 2024 -

She was born in Reggio Emilia on 18 October 1968

She graduated with honours from her degree in Business Economics from the Commercial University “Luigi Bocconi” of Milan and graduated in Law with full marks from Università Statale of Milan. She is a registered Lawyer and a Chartered Accountant in Milan.

She is a registered Statutory Auditor.

Since 2004 she has been a partner in the “Tremonti Romagnoli e Associati” law firm, where she began working in 1998. Prior to this she worked for five years as a consultant for the Studio Tributario Deiure tax firm.

She is a subject expert in commercial law at Università dell’Insubria of Varese.

She is currently Statutory Auditor of Fastweb S.p.A.

She has been a member of Prysmian's Board of Statutory Auditors since 13 April 2016. With regard to his current appointment, she was elected on 12 April 2022 from the list submitted jointly by the shareholders Clubtre S.r.l., Albas S.r.l. and Angelini Partecipazioni Finanziarie S.r.l., which obtained the majority of votes at the Shareholders' Meeting.


- January 2024 -

He was born in Milan on 30 November 1955

He graduated in Economics from the Università Cattolica in Milan. He is enrolled in the Register of Chartered Certified Accountants of which he is a committee member and in the Register of Auditors, is a member of Nedcommunity - association of non-executive and independent directors. At the beginning of his professional career, Mr Capone gained experience at a leading Italian bank and then at the Italian branch of a US bank. For almost 30 years, he was a partner at Caramanti Ticozzi & Partners. Since 2019, he has been Managing Partner of Studio Associato CT&P, a leading national and international corporate and tax consulting firm in Milan.

He is currently Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Aeroporti di Roma., B.F. S.p.A., QC Terme S.r.l., Red Bull S.r.l., White Bridge Investments S.p.A. and Chairman of Supervisory Board pursuant to art. 231/2001 in various companies.

He has been appointed member of Prysmian's Board of Statutory Auditors on 12 April 2022 and was elected from the list submitted jointly by the shareholders Clubtre S.r.l., Albas S.r.l. and Angelini Partecipazioni Finanziarie S.r.l., which obtained the majority of votes at the Shareholders' Meeting.


- January 2024 -

He was born in Florence on 23 October 1966

Graduated in Business Administration from the Bocconi University of Milan in 1992. He has been practising as a chartered accountant since 1994 and as an auditor since 1999. In 1995 he founded Studio Chimenti, with offices in Florence and Milan, specialising in accounting assistance and consultancy, financial statement preparation, corporate and tax consultancy, extraordinary transactions, appraisals and evaluations, auditing and control.

From 2016 to 2019 he has been a partner in the Milan-based tax law firm Miccinesi e Associati.

He holds numerous positions as a member of Boards of Statutory Auditors, Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001. He was elected on 12 April 2022 from the slate submitted jointly by a group of shareholders comprising asset management companies and institutional investors, which received the second highest number of votes at the Shareholders' Meeting.


- January 2024 -

He was born in Florence on 24 November 1965

He graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Florence in 1995. He is a chartered accountant and auditor. He is a consultant in tax, financial and economic matters. He holds positions in bankruptcy proceedings as a receiver, judicial commissioner and judicial liquidator, and as an advisor for the Court of Florence in matters of financial statements and related profit and loss accounts, valuation of companies, equity entities, company situations, assets, goodwill, company and industrial rights. He also acts as advisor for private companies in relation to company valuations, mergers, demergers and company transformations.

He holds various positions as a member of boards of statutory auditors. He was elected on 12 April 2022 from the list submitted jointly by the shareholders Clubtre S.r.l., Albas S.r.l. and Angelini Partecipazioni Finanziarie S.r.l., which received the majority of votes in the Shareholders' Meeting.


- January 2024 -

Board of Statutory Auditors

Member | Year of birth First Appointment (1) Current charge (2) Independence Code/TUF Meetings (3) Other offices (4)
● Stefano Sarubbi, Chairman | 1965 12/04/2022 dal 12/04/2022 al 2025 yes/yes 24/24 14
⧫ Roberto Capone, Standing Auditor | 1968 13/04/2016 from 12/04/2022 to 2025 yes/yes 23/24 17
⧫ Laura Gualtieri, Standing Auditor | 1955 12/04/2022 from 12/04/2022 to 2025 yes/yes 24/24 1
⧫ Stefano Rossetti, Alternate Auditor | 1965 12/04/2022 from 12/04/2022 to 2025 yes/yes N/A 3
● Vieri Chimenti, Alternate Auditor | 1966 12/04/2022 from 12/04/2022 to 2025 yes/yes N/A 33


⧫ Member elected form the slate jointly presented by the shareholders Clubtre S.r.l., Albas S.r.l. e Angelini Partecipazioni Finanziarie S.r.l. which obtained the majority of the votes.
● Member elected form the slate jointly presented by a group of shareholders related to asset management companies and institutional investors.
(1) Date on which the Auditor was appointed to the Board of Statutory Auditors for the first time (ever).
(2) Expiry date envisaged with the Shareholders' Meeting that will approve the financial statements for the year ending 31/Dec/2024.
(3) Attendance at Board of Statutory Auditors meetings (no 17) and to meetings jointly with internal committees (no.7). in 2023 (no. of attendances/no. of meetings held N/A: not in office during the period).
(4) Number of offices held in other companies pursuant to art. 148-bis TUF and of the related provisions contained in the Consob Issuers' Regulation.